Aug 24, 2018

Beef Jerky

Do you have one of those things where no matter what you're doing, where you're going, or how much food you've eaten, you always seem to carry or bring with you your favorite snack? I know I do. So much that nearly all of my friends and family associate me with it.

So what is it? Its beef jerky. Ask anyone who knows me what my favorite snack is and they'll tell you it's jerky. I've tried them all. Pork, beef, Turkey, chicken. All with their own different marinades and special cuts. I have my likes and dislikes. My favorite tastes and whatnot.

I recently picked up a dehydrator at one of the local stores around here (they never carried it before!) You could imagine my excitement. I've made jerky before when I was still in the US but never with the proper equipment or an idea for a good marinade.

It's my third time making jerky. And this time I'm certain that I'm going to perfect my recipe. Except, it doesn't work that way. Simply altering one spice, increasing another, etc just doesn't work like you want it to. The good news is, is that this is definitely the best batch I've made so far!

Step 1: Marination

Step 2: Drying

Step 3: Dehydration + Tray Rotation (8 hours)

The finished product!

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